Coffee Order: Iced Coffee with Almond Milk |
Mary Elizabeth Salley is a Sophomore English (Writing + Rhetoric) Major here at Pepperdine University. She is the founder of Pepperdine's Writing Squad, a group that is passionate about writing that gets together on Monday nights in the Sandbar at 7PM to work on their writing and critique each other's work (go check it out, all are welcome!). A goal she has in life is to publish a book and her favorite color is army green. A movie title that best describes her life is Clueless. If you see her around campus as her about the book she is currently reading! She believes her purpose in life is to love people and love God. A moment in her life that made her feel alive was when she surfed at Falling Beach in South Carolina. And the best advice she could give someone is to be thoughtful towards yourself and others.
Take the time to have coffee with someone new.